Travel Itineraries for Chesapeake Country
Take to the road and explore Chesapeake Country! Our driving itineraries will help you navigate the byway and find the unique features that make Chesapeake Country a special landscape in our region. Click on the title to see each feature's full itinerary and check back with us as we will be adding to this list! Happy Motoring!"
"Birding the Byway"
"Come closer and bring your binoculars! The Chesapeake Byway, situated along the Atlantic Fly-Way, offers wildlife refuges and management areas which are major feeding and resting places for the migratory and wintering waterfowl. Tundra Swans, Canadian geese, Pintails, Great Blue Herons, Killdeer, Sandpipers, to name a few, along with the endangered Delmarva Fox Squirrel and Southern Bald Eagle have all found habitat in the protected resource areas of the Byway."
"Chesapeake Country's Bountiful Harvest: Working the Water"
"Come closer! The lore of the Bay's bounty can be seen still in operation today. From schooners and shallops, to clippers and bug-eyes, from dead-rises and skipjacks, the traditions of working the waters can be seen from numerous ports of call. Try your hand a soft-crabbing, or fish for Striped Bass also known as Rockfish to most Marylander's! The picturesque rivers, creeks and Bay give the Chesapeake Country National Scenic Byway exceptional outdoor recreation and fun for all. If water is your thing, this is the itinerary for you! |
"Food for the Soul: Historic Churches"
A drive along the Chesapeake Country National Scenic Byway will reveal many historic places of worship throughout the byway region. Many remain in active use and are the “tie that binds” many residents of our byway communities. Each site may have hours of operation or be only open for worship or for special events, though the grounds of most sites are open to the public. If adhered to, this itinerary could be completed in a day’s time, though there are many more chapels, churches, and other historical sites along the way. |
Chesapeake Country’s Bountiful Harvest:
Working the Land
Life in Chesapeake Country is inseparable from the Chesapeake Bay. People have worked the region’s natural resources, the land and water, from the first settlement in the early 1600’s and continue to do so today. Though the technology has changed, farmers and watermen continue to serve an important role in the economic engine of Chesapeake Country.